Clean Up

1. Delete Resources Managed by Terraform

terraform destroy

2. Delete OpenSearch Domain

  1. Navigate to the OpenSearch Service console at OpenSearch Service.
  2. Select the domain with the name semantic-video-search.
  3. Click on the Delete button.

3. Delete S3 Bucket

  1. Navigate to the S3 console at S3 Console.
  2. Select the bucket with the name ai-challenge-2024.
  3. Click on the Delete button.

4. Delete ECR Repository

  1. Navigate to the Elastic Container Registry console at ECR Console.
  2. Select the repository with the name ai-challenge-2024.
  3. Click on the Delete button.

5. Delete SageMaker Endpoint

  1. Navigate to the SageMaker console at SageMaker Console.
  2. Select the endpoint with the name clip-model-{time}.
  3. Click on the Delete button.