# code for testing
host = "<your opensearch domain>"
port = 443
user = "<your master user>"
password = "<your master password>"
client = OpenSearch(
hosts=[{"host": host, "port": port}],
http_auth=(user, password),
timeout = 60,
# max_retries = 5,
# retry_on_timeout = True
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
BUCKET_NAME = "ai-challenge-2024"
FOLDER_NAME = "keyframes"
model = SentenceTransformer("clip-ViT-B-32")
def query(client , model , text , k=5):
index_name = "semantic-index"
query_vector = model.encode(text)
search_body = {
"size": k,
"query": {
"knn": {
"image_embedding": {
"vector": query_vector.tolist(),
"k": k,
result = []
# {
# "image" : 1,
# "video" : "video1.mp4"
# "score" : 1
# }
response = client.search(index=index_name, body=search_body)
response = response["hits"]["hits"]
for hit in response:
image = hit["_source"]["image"]
video = hit["_source"]["video"]
score = hit["_score"]
result.append({"image" : image , "video" : video , "score" : score})
return result
result_query = query(client=client , model=model , text="A drowning prevention drill is taking place. Flooding occurs, and soldiers are deployed to schools to clean up the floodwaters" , k=5)
def convert_to_s3_key(video, image):
#video L03_V025.npy => L03_V025
# image 18 => 018.jpg
# image 1 => 001.jpg
video = video.split(".")[0]
image = str(image).zfill(3) + ".jpg"
return video + "/" + image
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
for res in result_query:
fig.add_subplot(1, 5, result_query.index(res) + 1)
img = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=f"{FOLDER_NAME}/{convert_to_s3_key(res['video'],res['image'])}")["Body"].read()
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img))
A drowning prevention drill is taking place. Flooding occurs, and soldiers are deployed to schools to clean up the floodwaters
A video clip shows mothers taking care of children with chickenpox. Chickenpox causes blisters to appear all over the children’s bodies, accompanied by uncomfortable itching.
A video clip of an apple orchard owned by a man. The orchard is vast, filled with many ripe red apples, and visitors happily pick apples, putting them into bags to take home.