Run ECS Task

1 Prepare Script to Run Task

import os
import boto3

s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
ecs_client = boto3.client("ecs")

def lambda_handler():

    cluster_name = os.environ["ECS_CLUSTER_NAME"]
    task_definition = os.environ["TASK_DEFINITION"]
    subnet_id = os.environ["SUBNET_ID"]
    security_group_id = os.environ["SECURITY_GROUP_ID"]

    # # Cấu hình network cho ECS task
    network_config = {
        "awsvpcConfiguration": {
            "subnets": [subnet_id],
            "securityGroups": [security_group_id],
            "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED",

    keyframes_urls = [

    video_urls = [

    for zip_file_url in keyframes_urls:
        run_task_input = {
            "cluster": cluster_name,
            "launchType": "FARGATE",
            "taskDefinition": task_definition,
            "networkConfiguration": network_config,
            "overrides": {
                "containerOverrides": [
                        "name": "keyframes-container",  
                        "environment": [
                                "name": "URL_TO_DOWNLOAD",
                                "value": zip_file_url,
                                "name": "S3_BUCKET_NAME",
                                "value": "ai-challenge-2024",
                                "name": "S3_FOLDER_NAME",
                                "value": "keyframes",

        response = ecs_client.run_task(**run_task_input)

    for zip_file_url in video_urls:
        run_task_input = {
            "cluster": cluster_name,
            "launchType": "FARGATE",
            "taskDefinition": task_definition,
            "networkConfiguration": network_config,
            "overrides": {
                "containerOverrides": [
                        "name": "keyframes-container",  
                        "environment": [
                                "name": "URL_TO_DOWNLOAD",
                                "value": zip_file_url,
                                "name": "S3_BUCKET_NAME",
                                "value": "ai-challenge-2024",
                                "name": "S3_FOLDER_NAME",
                                "value": "video",

        response = ecs_client.run_task(**run_task_input)

    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": f'Task created successfully with Task ARN: {response["tasks"][0]["taskArn"]}',

if __name__ == "__main__":

Environment Variables

Below are the key environment variables required for setting up and running the ECS task:

  • ECS_CLUSTER_NAME: Specifies the name of the ECS cluster where the task will be deployed.
  • TASK_DEFINITION: Defines the name of the ECS task definition used for the task.
  • SUBNET_ID: The subnet ID where the ECS task will be launched, determining the network within the VPC.
  • SECURITY_GROUP_ID: The security group ID that defines firewall rules and access permissions for the ECS task.
  • CONTAINER_NAME: Identifies the name of the container in the ECS task definition.

Example Configuration

ECS_CLUSTER_NAME: ai-challenge-2024
TASK_DEFINITION: keyframes-task
SUBNET_ID: subnet-0f9d3b7b1b7b7b7b7
SECURITY_GROUP_ID: sg-0f9d3b7b1b7b7b7b7
CONTAINER_NAME: keyframes-container

Each of these variables plays a crucial role in the task setup, ensuring proper deployment and access control within your AWS environment.

2 Run Task

Run the script to ingest data to S3:


The script will create tasks to download and ingest data to S3. Docs Version Dropdown

3 Monitor Task

  1. Navigate to CloudWatch by clicking on the Services menu, under the Management & Governance section.
  2. Click on Log groups in the left navigation pane.
  3. Click on the log group with the name /ecs/keyframes-task.
  4. Click on the log stream with the latest log stream name.

You can monitor the logs of the task to check the status of the task.

4 Check Data in S3

  1. Navigate to S3 by clicking on the Services menu, under the Storage section.
  2. Click on the bucket name ai-challenge-2024.
  3. Check the folders keyframes and video to see the ingested data.

Docs Version Dropdown

  1. Check the total size of the keyframes and video folders:
    • Navigate to the keyframes folder.
    • Click on the Actions dropdown.
    • Click on Calculate total size.
    • Repeat the above steps for the video folder.
    • keyframes: 18.7 GB Docs Version Dropdown
    • video: 55.6 GB Docs Version Dropdown