Setting Up S3 for Video Storage

1.1 Create an S3 Bucket

  1. Navigate to S3 by clicking on the Services menu, under the Storage section.
  2. Click on Create bucket button.
  3. In the General Configuration.
    • Bucket name: Enter ai-challenge-2024
    • Note: S3 Bucket names are globally unique, choose a name that is available.
  4. Region: Select US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 (i.e same region as the Kinesis data stream).
  5. In the Default encryption.
    • Encryption key type: Leave the key type as Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).
    • Bucket key: Select Enable
  6. Click on Create bucket button

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1.2 Create Folders in S3 Bucket

  1. Click on the bucket name ai-challenge-2024.
  2. Click on Create folder button.
  3. Enter the folder name as keyframes and click on Save.
  4. Repeat the above steps to create another folder with the name video.

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